Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nicole arrived

On July 31st Nicole Rauch arrived. Other than being very tired her trip was uneventful. She brought with her my new laptop and camera. Her being able to bring these things was such a blessing. You don't know how many times I wanted to take a picture, but didn't have a camera. One time was when a friend gave me a very large stuffed Winnie the pooh to give to Sydonie. You should have seen her face when I gave it to her. I don't think she has ever had anything so cool in her lifetime. Last week I got the list of things for this coming school year. Yesterday when Nicole and I were at the cloth store I bought the material to make her a new blouse and skirt and gym shorts. It is a start. On Tuesday I have a meeting with her teacher, mother and the school principle. It appears the teacher thinks she should repeat the previous grade. Her mother wants her moved ahead because she doesn't want to disappoint me. I need to let her know my interest is for her to get the best education she can get and if that means repeating the same class that is what I want for her. I hope to get a new picture of her on Tuesday. She is getting very tall.

Last week on Tuesday Nicole and I went to Mahajanga for a week. We met with some of the teachers at BAO (Rich's school of Bible English and computers), with the leader of Fitiavana and I took some pictures of that school. There is a possibility that a supporter might built 2 or three new class rooms for that school. I pray it works out. We also spent time with Kathy she is our other team member that lives there. It was a joyful time meeting new Malagasy and making new friends. We stayed with Kathy and was very blessed by her hospitality. On the way to Mahajanga we had a little car problems. Not much to worry about and when we arrived in the city there was no problems. It wasn't until Saturday when we were getting ready to leave on Monday that we thought more about the problem. I called Germain's daughter, but Germain was out of town on church business and wouldn't be back until Thursday. His son is a mechanic in training at MAF and offered to take a bus to us and fix the car and drive back with us. That too was a blessing. He found some problems on Monday morning and we thought the problem was fixed. It was after lunch before we got to this point so we decided since it is a 10 hour drive to wait until morning and leave at 4am. So, Tuesday morning at 4am we packed the car and left for home. We didn't have any problems for about the first 4 hours, but then we reached the hills (mountains). Every time we got almost to the top of a hill the car would choke and then almost stall (about 5 times it did stall). Germain's son was driving so he was able to keep the car running and we arrived home about 8 hours later. 12 hours on the road for a trip that should have taken less than 10. It was a long day. Bandit was in his container in the back seat. Nicole shared a little of the back seat with him. For such a little dog he had the most comfort. On Wednesday I took the car to the garage and they fixed the carburetor, plugs and other small things they found. Praise God the car is fixed and running well.

Upon arrival at our house we found a new problem. The toilet that was supposed to be fixed while we were gone was not only not fixed, but worse. That evening we had a flood that went all the way down the hall. The only way to stop the flood was to leave the water running with the plunger up all night. Ugh!!! The plumber returned everyday this week and still today (Saturday) there are problems. I think I could fix it myself, but the landlord said we paid the plumber and he must fix it properly.

My language classes are going pretty well. Upon my return from Mahajanga I was able to tell her all we did while on vacation and she wrote it down. There was only a handful of things she had to correct. One of my biggest problems is forgetting the subject since it is at the end of the sentence. I hope that comes more natural with time.

I think that is all the news for now. I will write more soon.

May the Peace and Love of Jesus Christ be with you always.
Love Sandi

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