Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hard letter to write.

Dear Friends and Family
 1 Corinthians 9:13-14
Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings? 14 In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.

As I was reading my Bible today these two verses hit me hard.  I like Paul have not ask for you to support me.  I have used the funds God has graciously given me with my retirement to provide my support while on the mission field.  I have been here in Madagascar for almost 9 years with very little support needed. God has been good in showing me his blessings in this way. The bible tell us if we trust God with our finances He will bless us richly. I have been blessed beyond measure.

This is a hard letter to write, but I feel God leading me to write it.  I told some of you this past summer that there wasn’t enough money going into my account to cover the cost of medical insurance. This is the only thing I have used donations for. The medical is going up again in January. I am currently almost $1,000 in the red.  I could use my savings to cover this deficit but I am being led to talk to you about searching your heart to help either make a onetime gift to help cover this cost. Or, maybe you are feeling led to make a monthly commitment to help cover the increase over the next year. 
There are a couple ways you can do this giving.  1st you can go online @ Check the donations box and search.  My name is listed as Sandi Horen or you can search Madagascar.  Then you just follow the instructions for making a donation.  You can make this donation as small or large as God is leading you.  The 2nd way is to send a check to the WorldVenture office. If you send a check please make sure you add 6154-855 to the memo line.  DO NOT put my name on the check but WorldVenture.  The address to the office 1501 West Mineral Ave Littleton, CO 80120 (there is a higher fee for checks).

Both commitment and onetime gifts are tax deductible. 

I appreciate you praying with me on this.  

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thank You
Sandi Horen
Mission to Madagascar