Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Last night I was re-reading my book “The Bait of Satan”. Since someone thought they needed my tablet more than I did I resorted back to the old way of reading an actual book.  I remember how much this book helped me before when I was feeling offended but when I picked it up I thought I am not feeling offended at this point, but it was a really good book and had many God lessons. 
So as I started reading I saw a reference to Psalm 55: 12-14. “For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it.  Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance.  We took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng.”
Oh wow I think I was feeling offended about the theft of my tablet.  I said things like I just can’t believe it happened at church! I never expected this to happen at church! And similar things.  As I continued to read it talked about how offended I was to think it was someone I sat with, sang worship songs with, and fellowshiped with. This is exactly what I have been thinking.  It goes on to talk about how Satan sets a trap and how we deal with the bait is the key to understanding.  Am I cloaked with pride? Am I hiding how I really feel?  I can truly say at this time I am very sad. Not because someone violated me. But, because I miss it.  I blame myself for being so stupid to leave it out of my site and a temptation to someone else.  Revelations tells us to cure my heart of the feeling of this offense I must purify myself as if gold.  My heart needs to be soft and I need to make sure it doesn’t get hard.  This can only happen by allowing God to refine me. I must rejoice in the gifts God has given me and not let this incident become a trap where Satan can shake up my life. 
I have decided to turn this over to God to deal with.  If he chooses to work on the heart of the person who took it that would be great, but if HE chooses to teach me a lesson from this, that is great also.  I choose God and will let HIM choose the outcome.
I look forward to continuing the 30 day reading and devotional after each chapter.  If you are in a situation where you are feeling offended you might need to read this book. “The Bait of Satan” by John Bevere.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

2014 in review.

Last year was a great year.  God is so good. 
I started the year with the normal routine doing the books for the Madagascar field, teaching at my English clubs and at the ministry of population.  Just before heading for a short time in the states, the beginners English club finished the grammar book, and the we finished the classes at the ministry of population. 

  • I went back to the states for July and August.  While there I attended my 40 year class reunion.  Boy how did that happen. Time sure does fly.  I had a good visit with my Dad and brother and sisters while in Michigan. We went camping and had fun(although a little cold for me).  At the end of my time in Michigan my friends from Arizona came to visit in Michigan since they were traveling across the states in their motor home.  It was a  good time.  After that I went to Arizona and visited my family and friends and spent time with my special prayer partners at Craycroft Baptist Church. My last stop was with my friend Anne-Marie in NY. We drove to Canada and spent a few days visiting Montreal. We went to see "Cats" nothing like live theater. On the way back home we did a tour of Ben n Jerry's ice cream factory a chocolate factory.  Then on August 30, 2014 I started the journey back to Madagascar.  

You may remember from a previous blog that when I returned I became guardian to Vanah.  We have been having a good time (when she isn't into the books doing homework).

2 weeks after I returned  started the roller coaster of weddings.  The first was a young man from one of my English clubs. He was one of my first students. Next was my friend Nicole's she married the oldest son of my office worker Germain. The next was Tracy Marcantonio's wedding she married the youngest son of Germain. and the last was just a week ago another one of my English club students. The weddings were all beautiful. For Tracy I was the witness at the government ceremony. I was blessed to be give the cake representing her stand in mother. (Janet I was honored to be there for her). I hope the weddings are over for at least a couple months. 

In November a new family joined the Madagascar team. Neal and Daniell Carlstrom and their 3 children.  We also welcomed Cassey Spencer a mission nanny who will be doing homeschooling with the kids in Mahajanga. Please keep these new teammates in prayers for good settling with new home, new language and new culture. We celebrated Thanksgiving together as a team and then the next day we honored our Malagasy workers with a certificate and pin and medal for years of service. They have been with this mission for 14 years.

At the end of the year I took a short vacation to the coast with my two friends one of their 3 kids.  We had such a good and relaxing time.  The trip was 11 hours, but the time at the beach and hotel made up for the ride.

I continue to do the books for the field and teach English club 3 classes a week.  The Advanced group will begin the bible study of "Living Like You Belong to God".

At the end of the year I got notice that my prayers were answered and I am able to remain at the current level with the mission. Those of you who were praying with me thank you for your prayers.

I want to close wishing you all a very Blessed New Year.  If you have any prayer requests please send me an email or note on facebook.  I would like to pray with you through any requests.  If you want to skype my contact is Sandra Horen.  Also if you don't have my facebook send me a friend request at Sandi Horen.