Saturday, November 20, 2010

Political Situtation

Some of you have seen my request for prayer over the last few days. Well here is the short version. You can get more details by searching Madagascar news.

On Wednesday there was a constitutional referendum. Wednesday afternoon the same military that ousted the previous president and helped the transactional government, staged another coup now on the one they helped gain power. There were many problems around the airport and the military base close to the airport. The American Embassy has been sending out phone messages alerting us as to problem areas so I just stayed home. On Thursday it appeared everything had died down. We had a quiet day. On Friday things heated up again. The news radios tv and others advised people living in the area by the military base and airport. There were large caravans of military heading in that direction. I again stayed home. (God gave me brains to use them). On Saturday it seemed quiet again. I went to the church for a ladies tea and afterward went with a friend to the grocery store on the other side of town. (I was looking for a turkey and was told they sell them at that store, no luck though) While I was on the other side of town it appears gun fire began at the military base and the rebels were arrested. After I arrived home I was un aware anything was happening until I spoke to a friend that is in the states. Go figure. Anyway I was once again home safe. We had a great thunder storm last night and I lost power for about 3 hours. The power returned about 9:30 and right afterward I got another message from the Embassy that there was an explosion in the downtown area. I have been looking on the internet for information about the explosion, but no word of it yet.

It is Sunday morning and my church is close to my home so I will go and Praise the name of our God. A friend and prayer partner suggested Psalm 91. I believe this Psalm was written for such a time as this.

Please be assured I am safe and protected by God.

Blessings to you all
Your sister in Christ