Happy New Year
Wow January is almost over already and I am just getting around to writing this. News for Madagascar include a new president. The election was on December 20, 2013 and the official results were announced last Friday. The ceremony to put him into office will be this Saturday. This being said the looser and his party are trying to get the African Union to say that the election was not a good one. Always someone not willing to accept the results and move on.

As 2013 came to an end I celebrated the birth of Christ in many settings. The first was with my bible study ladies group. We finished our study of the patriarchs the end of November so we had a end of study Christmas gathering. We shared Christmas goodies from all over the world. What a wonderful group of missionary women. The next two was with my English clubs. We all had a good time except upon leaving the Ministry of Population I fell down the stairs and am still healing the wound o my led from that fall. (no there wasn't any alcohol at the party I was not drunk LOL). The next was just a small one with the children at church. I am leading the children ministry team and the children sang a couple songs for the adults then we went back to the class room and had snacks and juice. The kids made a ornament out of the bottom of a soft drink bottle and then put glitter inside and tie a string to it. They love glitter. The next one was the same day when I along with my friend Mbola hosted the children's ministry team for lunch and gift exchange. We had a really fun time. Finally that same day I went to a gathering with the missionaries here in Tana to sing Christmas carols and enjoy a meal together. (boy that was a long day)

Christmas day was quiet for me, after church I came back home and focused on the Lord. It was a nice day.
I started out the new year with a summer cold. It lasted 5 days and I am glad to say I am completely over it. Yeah! The weather is nice here during the day, but lots of rain. Yesterday it was raining so hard I had to wait it out before heading to my car after church. Of course I didn't have my umbrella.

I have received a lot of cards from family and friends all over the world. I guess people really do read my facebook posts. In November I posted I had not received any Christmas cards in the 6 years I have been here. Now I was blessed beyond measures. I have put them on the wall in front of my computer and each day I open one and pray for that person or family. It is a good way for me to remember you in my prayers. Today I got a package from Burl and the mission prayer team at Craycroft Baptist Church. I am always excited about a package from home. Thanks for sending it.

I have decided to sell my car and look for a different one. The one I bought 2 years ago has been broken down more than working. It is all computerized and it appears when you fix something it needs to be re-programed each time. So I had to put in a new fuel pump but it was not re-programed and now has no power. You need to get a code to program it and the only way you can get the code is from the dealer and they want more than $1,000 to do it. Then they will not give the code so you have to go back to them each time something goes wrong. So if you could pray it sells quickly and I am able to get a fair price so I can get a different one I would appreciate it.
Blessings to you and may God bless you in 2014.
You can contact me either by facebook Sandi Horen or e-mail sandra.horen@gmail.com. I no longer use the AOL account so please delete that from your contacts for me.
Love Sandi Horen
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