Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Merry Christmas

I was just making out some Christmas cards for my friends here and thinking about you. I wish I could send cards to each and everyone of you, but that really isn't possible. You are, however in my thoughts and prayers.

I got a really cool Christmas tree from the Chinese store. It was a little expensive and very cheaply made, but I am enjoying it every evening when I turn the lights on. A couple of weeks ago I was having a pity party about the holiday season and just feeling sad missing everyone feeling alone and thinking there won't even be any presents under the tree. I was thinking no one even cares or remembers me here in Madagascar. But, the next day at Sunday service the preacher talked about how our reward is not here on earth, but in Heaven. The message really spoke to me and helped me get over myself. So I am planning a Christmas party for 12 children all under the age of 6 (yes I am crazy). I will get little gifts for them and put them under the tree. We will do a craft making paper bulbs for a paper tree, decorate a sugar cookie to take home and have punch and cookies. (Want to join us). I made the invitations today and will start giving them out tomorrow night at home group. I love kids so much I am blessed to have so many in my life here.

We will have a Christmas service in the morning and I have ask another girl if she would like to come over after church. She is Malagasy and her family lives in Mahajunga so she will be alone also. I hope she accepts.

I am sending my Christmas Blessings across the ocean to everyone I know and Love. If there is anyone I have missed in my mailing please share my Blessings to them for me.

Merry Christmas
Your Sister in Christ

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