Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Merry Christmas
I got a really cool Christmas tree from the Chinese store. It was a little expensive and very cheaply made, but I am enjoying it every evening when I turn the lights on. A couple of weeks ago I was having a pity party about the holiday season and just feeling sad missing everyone feeling alone and thinking there won't even be any presents under the tree. I was thinking no one even cares or remembers me here in Madagascar. But, the next day at Sunday service the preacher talked about how our reward is not here on earth, but in Heaven. The message really spoke to me and helped me get over myself. So I am planning a Christmas party for 12 children all under the age of 6 (yes I am crazy). I will get little gifts for them and put them under the tree. We will do a craft making paper bulbs for a paper tree, decorate a sugar cookie to take home and have punch and cookies. (Want to join us). I made the invitations today and will start giving them out tomorrow night at home group. I love kids so much I am blessed to have so many in my life here.
We will have a Christmas service in the morning and I have ask another girl if she would like to come over after church. She is Malagasy and her family lives in Mahajunga so she will be alone also. I hope she accepts.
I am sending my Christmas Blessings across the ocean to everyone I know and Love. If there is anyone I have missed in my mailing please share my Blessings to them for me.
Merry Christmas
Your Sister in Christ
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Here are three of the seven children we have been able to help support through the gifts given to my ministry for children education.
The first one is the son of a widow. His mother is trying to support the family by making embroidery items and selling them. By my being able to assist with the school fees she was able to provide the necessary items for him to participate for the entire school year.
The second boy is the child of a single woman whose husband left and isn't supporting the family. She is able to provide education for her other children, however this little boy is deft and the only available school is a 4 hour bus ride from home and he would need to move to the school only returning for Christmas and major holidays. He is 7 years old and the report I received is that he is adapting well and learning. His was a special case where in addition to the school fees he needed everything to live away from home. The clothing is only washed once a month so he needed clothes to last a month at a time. He needed bedding, dishes, soap ect all to last 11 months. Combined with the help that was donated others including church members helped him get all the required items and start his school year completely supported.
The third girl is one from my neighborhood. I have personally been supporting her for 3 years now. With the added donations I was able to provide 2 sets of clothes, new shoes, underwear and all the supplies needed each year.
The forth and fifth children are from a place in the far north of Madagascar. This place is in much need of hearing the Gospel. Through the school that these 2 children attend, they are receiving love and education presented by Christians. These two children are very poor and without assistance they would not be able to get an education.
The last two children are orphans. They lost their parents just over a year ago. The uncle took the 4 children into his home. He and his wife already have children of their own, but did not want the children to go into an orphanage. The help was supposed to be for one of the children to go to the public school, but somehow with God's blessings both of the children of school age were able to enroll.
Many thanks to the support that came in to help these children. I hope to have new pictures after the Christmas Holiday.
Artificial rain
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Political Situtation
On Wednesday there was a constitutional referendum. Wednesday afternoon the same military that ousted the previous president and helped the transactional government, staged another coup now on the one they helped gain power. There were many problems around the airport and the military base close to the airport. The American Embassy has been sending out phone messages alerting us as to problem areas so I just stayed home. On Thursday it appeared everything had died down. We had a quiet day. On Friday things heated up again. The news radios tv and others advised people living in the area by the military base and airport. There were large caravans of military heading in that direction. I again stayed home. (God gave me brains to use them). On Saturday it seemed quiet again. I went to the church for a ladies tea and afterward went with a friend to the grocery store on the other side of town. (I was looking for a turkey and was told they sell them at that store, no luck though) While I was on the other side of town it appears gun fire began at the military base and the rebels were arrested. After I arrived home I was un aware anything was happening until I spoke to a friend that is in the states. Go figure. Anyway I was once again home safe. We had a great thunder storm last night and I lost power for about 3 hours. The power returned about 9:30 and right afterward I got another message from the Embassy that there was an explosion in the downtown area. I have been looking on the internet for information about the explosion, but no word of it yet.
It is Sunday morning and my church is close to my home so I will go and Praise the name of our God. A friend and prayer partner suggested Psalm 91. I believe this Psalm was written for such a time as this.
Please be assured I am safe and protected by God.
Blessings to you all
Your sister in Christ
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Lessons for Life.
I received this in an e-mail today and liked it so much I wanted to share it with you.
First, change your eating habits, be wise; educate yourself about good nutrition.
Second, be clear about where you want to go. Set specific goals, and have a plan and a timetable for reaching them. Don't be controlled by mindless routine.
Third, instead of ignoring your problems, resolve them. Act before they become chronic and start sapping your energy.
Fourth, don't 'veg' on TV. Too much television dulls you mentally and lulls you into lethargy, 'But they that wait upon the Lord... renew their strength...' (Isaiah 40:31KJV).
Fifth, if you're overloaded, don't take on more. Don't say yes out of a sense of guilt, false responsibility or the need to be needed.
Sixth, take a break. When did you last take time to get away? A change of pace and fresh scenery are great battery-chargers.
Seventh, get to bed earlier. When you burn the candle at both ends, you are the one who burns out. You say, 'But I'm doing it for the Lord.' Notice what the Lord says, 'It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late... for so He gives His beloved sleep' (Psalm 127:2 NKJV).
Saturday, September 11, 2010
back home and a friends wedding
Hi everyone. I miss you all. I made it back here on Tuesday afternoon. It was really good to be home. My dog was really happy to have me home again. Nicole picked me up at the airport and brought me home. When we arrived several of my friends were there. It was good to see them all. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends both here and back home in the States. You are all a blessing to me.
Last week was very busy and I had a wedding to attend yesterday. I guess the cultural sensitivity was good for me at this event. The wedding was scheduled at 11:30 but didn't start until almost 1pm because the bride didn't get to the church until then. They had the legal wedding and the engagement party in the morning and she didn't have enough time to get ready. Then after the service we went to the reception about 3:30 and shortly after was served starters. It was a large buffet of meats, salads, shrimp and other assorted foods. (I thought it was the whole meal). After that there was dancing and (very loud) music. Then the bride and groom received the guests then more dancing I was getting ready to leave and then the cutting of the cake ceremony happened. There was a 20 min speech about the cutting of the cake (sorry but I didn't understand the language) then they cut the cake. But it wasn't served at this time. Again I was ready to leave, but no now the main meal was served. Then more singing and dancing. Finally I was really tired (still had some jet lag) so I left however when I was leaving I saw they were getting ready to serve dessert (not the cake yet). I skipped that and started the long hour drive home. I got home about 8pm very tired.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Finished training ready to return
Last Friday I finished the training in Colorado. During this time I learned how to better deal with different cultures values and traditions. We went to some really hard places talking about losses in our lives. I went back to when I was sick as a child and not able to play with the other kids. I never really thought about how that effected me. That was just the starting point. I'm really glad the organization talked me into taking the classes. I also met 13 couples and 11 singles all ready to enter the mission field. I know these will be lasting relationships I will never forget.
Now I am in New York visiting my long time friend Anne-Marie. We have two weeks where we will travel up the coast to CT, MA and ME. I will return to Madagascar on September 7.
All my one time support for this trip came in and I can't thank God and you all for your faithfulness and support for this ministry in Madagascar. One family made a donation for school fees for 5 children. When I return I plan to put this to good use and get them enrolled . Please pray God will show me the children that need this the most. If you would like to be a monthly supporter for the Madagascar ministry you can go to www.WorldVenture.com and look for my name and make a donation.
Friday, August 13, 2010
started something new
Well, 2 weeks of training down and one to go. This has been a very emotional week. We did some simulation scenarios, had some quiet time with the Lord and played some games to help us better understand entering different cultures.
One thing I would like you to do is select a day of the month for each of us to pray for each other. I would like to be able to note some of your requests so it is a 2 way street. Please respond and let me know how I can pray for you.
Love you all
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Mission Training International
Well here I am in Colorado attending a 3 week training on missions. I wasn't sure what to expect after being on the field for 3 years. All I can say is I am glad I came. We are talking about how to better communicate with the nationals of the countries we are going to. We are also talking about personal issues and how to deal with stress and how to stay healthy emotionally and physically. I found out I am a shark, that won't mean much to any of you unless you have taken this training, but I really felt I fit into that group and by the way we are the group easiest to be misunderstood. I guess I will spend the rest of my life apologizing for my direct way of saying things. I will try to be more sensitive, but it is a process.
Last Saturday I went with two other ladies to Pikes Peak. Wow it was awesome. To think God created such a beautiful place. Then we went to seven falls. It was great to get away after a tough week of emotional stuff. This Sunday there is a group of us going to the Rockies Baseball game after Church. It is faith day at the park and we got a great ticket rate. $10.00 per person. Woo Hoo.
I have 2 more weeks here then on to NY to visit Anne-Marie and back to Madagascar on Sept 6Th.
I would like to pray for each of you. So, if you have any specific prayer requests please send them to me at sunlady2@aol.com.
God has been really good with providing supporters for this time back in the states. I am however still short about $300 of the one time expense for this trip. If you could help I would be very grateful. If you want to make a donation you can send it directly to World Venture by clicking on the link to the right. Then you look up my name and follow the instructions. The office has recently helped me create a web page so you can check that out at the same site.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My Mom
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Time in Arizona
I arrived in Phoenix Az on e hot evening. At 7 something it was 108 degrees. I spent the first week in the Phoenix area house/dog sitting for one of my supporters. During this time I had the opportunity to share some things about Madagascar and the child I sponsor for school. Two family's I shared with wrote checks to help allow more children attend school. This also opened the door to share with another organization. Part of the reason for my trip to Arizona is to meet with my church and my supporters. I need to increase my support package by $200 per month and my one time expense by $2,600. I currently have new supporters of $100 a month and $1,500 towards my one time expense. I praise God for my new partners and pray for the new ones God is leading my way. I am blessed to have so many prayer and financial partners. I am asking you to join me in praying for the remainder of my financial needs.
My family's health
One of the reasons for this trip back to the United States is to spend time with my family. I spent the first month in Michigan spend a lot of time with my parents. My mom is in a Nursing home facility. She has Alzheimer and various other medical issues. Last week my mother was taken to the hospital after suffering a stroke. She was in a coma for 23 hours. When she awoke she appeared all better. They sent her home after 2 days back to the nursing home. One day later she was again transported to the hospital with a sires of mini strokes and another 22 hour coma. She is now back at the nursing home and we still have no answers as to the cause.
I would appreciate your continual prayers for her.
Home Assignment Week
Friday, May 7, 2010
training and travel
Yesterday I spent several hours on the internet searching for flights to my many destinations. I am happy to say I have completely booked all my flights. Here is a break down.
I leave Michigan on May 30, 2010 to attend a week of debriefing at World Venture Headquarters.
I leave Denver on June 6 flying to Phoenix. I will spend the next week at my friends house in Apache Junction (or close to there) . During this time I will also meet with Rich Shattenburg (the Madagascar team leader) to work on a few things. Sometime around the 12th I will go to Tucson where I will stay until July 4, 2010.
On July 4 I will fly back to Denver and then connect to a flight to Michigan.
On August 2 I leave Michigan to go to Colorado for the MTI training. I was not able to get a morning flight to Colorado Springs on the 2nd so I am flying into Denver and need to get a shuttle or something like that to the training center located just outside of Colorado Springs. This training is for 3 weeks ending on August 20th. Since I was not able to get an afternoon evening flight to New York on the 20th I will fly out of Colorado Springs on the 21st
I arrive in NY on the 21st and will stay with my longtime friend Anne-Marie. We hope to do something where we can spend some time together during the time I am there, but not sure what yet. I hope to maybe get a visit in with Beth and David Larson also.
On September 6th I begin my travel back to Madagascar and will arrive home on September 7th providing there are no delays.
I am still praying God will send forth people that desire to join me in the mission to Madagascar. The training and travel while in the States above my normal spending plan is just over $2,500.00 I was able to use miles and discount travel for some of my flights. I am excited to see that all the flights together are $546.15. The MTI program is $1,836 for a combined total of $2382.15. I know God will provide.
If God is speaking to you about joining me in Madagascar either by prayer or support, this is how you can help. http://www.worldventure.com once at the site you can look up my name (Sandra Horen). Once at my page you can choose to make a donation or a commitment or just find out more about the Island and its needs. If you live in Tucson you can also contact Craycroft Baptist Church for more information.
Thank you for all your prayers and support thus far. I would love to hear from you and pray for you. Please feel free to contact me either by replying to this Blog or facebook at Sandra Horen or e-mail at sunlady2@aol.com.
God Bless
Your Sister in Christ Sandi
finally made it home.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Repairing the floor.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Travel to the United States
Well, here it is the information about my trip to the United States. I have my tickets purchased I am leaving Madagascar on May 1, 2010 and will arrive in New York on the 2nd. I will stay a day or two at my friend’s house and then fly to Michigan and my Dad’s house. I have debriefing at World Venture May 31 to June 5, 2010 at the mission headquarters. After that I will go to Tucson for about a month, then back to my Dad’s house until August 2, 2010 when I will start the training with MTI. That training is 3 weeks and afterwards I will go to NY and head back to Madagascar on September 6, 2010.
Here are my prayer requests:
1. For safe travel during the many hours in a plane and airports.
2. God will continue to use me in ways I could never imagine.
3. I continue to Grow in my Faith. I am currently working on a study about how to deal with offense. Wow what a journey.
4. A good time with my Mom, Dad and brother and sisters while in the States.
5. A growing time while at the World Venture debriefing week.
6. A great time of learning about other cultures during the MTI class
7. The money will come in to cover the cost of transportation and the training.
Here is a breakdown on the funds needed while on home assignment.
Travel and transportation $1,500.00 (airfare and car rental)
Training $2,000.00
I have already made the deposit for the training and having to take a big step of faith that God will provide.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Meeting with my leaders
Two days ago I met with the African Director and his wife and Rich the lead person here in Madagascar. We opened the meeting by prayer and talked about my future as a missionary. I was endorsed for 3 years in May of 2007, so this May my 3 years is over. I still feel God has a plan for me here in Madagascar and my leaders agree. Glenn has made a (conditional) recommendation that I be extended as a mid term worker for Madagascar. The conditional is that when back in the states I attend a week of debriefing at our headquarters, and that I participate in an emotional checkup with our staff counselor and get her recommendation. He also suggested I attend a training of either 3 or 5 weeks that the long term missionaries attend.
I do plan on returning to the States for about 3 months this summer and am looking for airfare at the present.
I have saved enough money for the airfare from Madagascar to the States, but would like you to begin praying for me for additional support for the training and time in Colorado and the airfare or car rental as I travel around the States. Please join me in this prayer as I know God will provide.
I hope to have more information about the dates and the actual cost of this work while I am in the United States.
What is my work here in Madagascar some of you might ask. Well, I am the office facilitator and the treasurer for the field. We currently have 2 Malagasy staff and myself. We currently have 4 missionaries in Madagascar, but by the end of this year we should have 2 more families with children and Rich Shattenberg hopes to be ready to return. We are very excited to have this growth.
Weekend with WorldVenture staff in Madagascar
Last weekend we had a retreat here in Madagascar. We currently have 4 missionaries here on the Island. 2 in Mahajunga Kathy and Crystal and two in Tana, Nicole and myself. Rich was here for a month and Glenn and Kathy Kendall the African directors were here for 10 days.
What a blessed time with everyone. We went to a hotel here in Tana that made us feel like we were out of the city with nothing to worry about. We spend the day on Friday with a day of prayer. God led us in amazing ways. Then on Saturday we had a day of business and planning. On Sunday we had a worship time then time to just play and enjoy fellowship. Some other missionaries we work closely with joined us for this retreat.
I just praise God for the things we accomplished during this retreat from prayer to business to play.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
One month in my new house
Last month I moved into my own place. I was blessed to have so many friends help me and the move went smoothly. We had everything at the new house by 10:30 in the morning. Praise God. I spent the rest of that day with friends helping setting things up. With
only about 4 boxes left to unpack I headed out to the hardware store
to get a few things. (a shower head and a new lock). This complete I headed back to my new home. What a wonderful day. However I did find my refrigerator was not working
Now I have been here exactly one month and things are going smoothly. I got all my things up on the walls. (this is no easy task, because the walls are concrete). The only concrete nails I have found are about 4 inches long. So that done I contacted my friend to have window screens installed. Last Thursday they
I will try to attach a few pictures of my new place. It is 3 bedrooms a large living/dinning room area and the biggest kitchen I h
Here is my new address.
Sandra Horen
Lot 602 III
Ambohinambo, Talatamaty
(the III is roman numeral 3, but it must be in the roman numeral format)