Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sandi's latest travel

Well, I left Tucson on June 11, 2008 and went to NYC for two days. I tried to get my visa extended but was told it was too far in advance. I will have to wait until just before I go back and get a 30 day renewal visa. After visiting the Malagasy Embsay I went to the Statue of Liberty. Of all the times I visited there this was the first time I went to the Island. Other times I just took a ferry the went by the Statue of Liberty. Boy it was awsome. On the 13th I went to Michigan just in time for my mothers birthday. She turned 80 on June 15, 2008. This past week I went to the Mackinaw Bridge and went to get an updated Indian card. By the way if you aren't sure what this means, it is an American Indian. Doesn't mean a lot except to me as a reminder of my hearatage. Today is Sunday and I found a really nice church here in Bay City Michigan. I was allowed to give a short 10 min talk about my testamony. I will try to write more later.

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