fun with Wendy's kids |
My answer is YES !!!!!!! Yesterday I was talking to a young man after class and we started to talk about his religion. He has changed religions to a different teaching. He previously came to the church I go to and to home groups with people I know believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible. Now this new "religion" is teaching him that Jesus indwells within him, but Jesus isn't God. They do not believe in the trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They also believe that you must obey all the laws of the old testament. He says he can not eat certain things because God told the Israelite's that it was forbidden to eat them. We (myself and Francisca) tried to tell him that Jesus fulfilled the laws and we are held to the same standards as the Israelite's of the old testament. We used scripture and the Bible to show where it is written, but to no avail. We told him we do not need to sacrifice because Jesus is our sacrifice for all our sins.
more fun times |
I told this young man that I would continue to pray he would come back to the real teaching of the Bible and get to know the Jesus I know and love. I believe he is seeking the truth, but being brainwashed by this new church. Please join me in praying for him.
My schedule this summer is as follows: I will be in Michigan on June
29th. I will stay about 1 month (give or take). My dad will turn 90
this year so I will be able to be with him on his birthday. I will be
in Arizona from about the last week of July through the 3rd week of
August. (if anyone has a car I can use or rent during that time please
let me know) After that I will be in NY until I return the first week of
September. (I don't have my stateside tickets yet, but that is the
tentative plan. I would love to be able to meet with you for lunch or
dinner during my time stateside.
Nehemiah girls |
Nehemiah staff |
You are in my prayers. currently I am doing a specific prayer time each day focusing on the women in my life. Please know I am not forgetting the other prayer requests, but this is something I felt led to do for the season of Lent.
I appreciate your prayers in my life and the people I am in contact with on a regular basis.
Please remember to use you refillable Kroger/Frys cards. I am still seeking partners on a monthly or one time gift basis. At this time I am $1,000 in arrears in my mission account. I need to increase my monthly support by $200 a month. If you can help it would be appreciated. Here is how you can help.
come visit and see this lovely land |
new addition to where I live |
There are a couple ways you can help. 1st you can pray for me, If you are led to give you can go online
@ www.worldventure.com Check the donations
box and search. My name is listed as
Sandi Horen or you can search Madagascar. Then you just follow the instructions for
making a donation. You can make this
donation as small or large as God is leading you. Another way is to send a check to
the WorldVenture office. If you send a check please make sure you add 6154-855
to the memo line. DO NOT put my name on the check but WorldVenture. The address to the office 1501 West
Mineral Ave Littleton, CO 80120 (there is a higher fee for checks). All monetary gifts are tax deductible. And you can always help by using your refillable Kroger/Frys cards.
Thank you in advance
God Bless and Happy Easter
Sandi Horen