After I returned I realized I had some medical problems. I wasn't able to go to sleep because of not being able to catch my breath. I had to try to go to sleep sitting up. My legs and feet were swollen and I was frequently out of breath. I went to the Dr and he did a boat load of tests and a x-ray and ECG. He said there was a chance it was congestive heart failure. I looked it up on the internet and found the same symptoms. After the tests I went back to the Dr and found my heart was OK. Compressed some because of the fluid, but no significant heart problems. I started taking water pills with Magnesium pills. He told me to take them for 17 days and come back. Today is my apt. I pray all the fluid is gone now. By the way getting the x-ray and ECG was quite an experience for me. When I went into the x-ray room there were 5 guys and 1 lady in the room. They tell you to take off your top and bra. no gown is given. Then they come and adjust you for the x-ray. When that was done I laid on the table and they hooked up all the sensors for the ECG. They don't think anything of it. Well, I got through that and was glad it was over.
English Club.

two weeks ago when I was coming home from town a man knocked on my window. He ask me for a ride. He said he was from Ambohibao and Talatamaty. and was a police and needed to get back to the police station. I foolishly said yes. I tried to have him get in the back seat, but I couldn't get the door unlocked. He jumped in the front seat and moved my box from the post to the back seat. My phone was on the box. He then moved my purse from the floor of the front seat to the back. I guess that is when he took the opportunity to take my phone and money from my wallet. I didn't realize he had robbed me until I pulled over for an ambulance and he jumped out of the car and ran the other direction. I learned my lesson and will not give strangers a ride even if they say they are the police. A couple more of my friends were robbed recently too. Because the economy is getting worse crimes of theft are happening more and more. Please pray this is a one time thing and God will put his protection around me.
The on going saga of my car: It is back in the garage now. While I was i the states they had it for preventive maintenance. That ended up being some major work. Now there is a loud noise when you take your foot off the gas. Hope they can find out what is causing the noise soon and we can stop this love affair my car has with the garage. LOL
If you would like to write back you can do so at or by snail mail Sandra Horen Lot 602 III Ambohinambo, Taltatmaty. 105 Madagascar. Don't forget if you intend to send out Christmas cards they should be mailed by the end of November to reach me by Christmas.
P.S. Don't forget to use your Kroger/Frys rewards cards.