Well, it is already November and I haven't updated anyone in over a month. Wow it was a hectic month. We moved the last Saturday in October. So this month has been full of moving, packing, arranging and re-arranging. During this month Nicole's container arrived. She went to Tamatave to get it and God was really with her and Germain. They were able to get all the paperwork done and arrange a truck to haul it and be back on the road to Tana in just 2 days. With all my stuff and her stuff this big house is quickly becoming full. Pictures out my bedroom window and of Nicole opening her container.
Also during this month I started teaching a young girl English. She is 13 years old and a slow learner. Her parents are afraid her current school is hurting her because, she has been placed in kindergarten. So, my class is not just learning English, but also teaching her to accept herself. I am pleased with her progress. I introduced her to a girl from when I was teaching and they hit it off as friends. Miora invited her to come to church with her and her mother allowed it. Her family is of different faith than me. Please keep her in your prayers.
The next thing is I got my Malagasy Drivers license this month. It is so cool. Now I don't need to get an international license every year. This one is good for life. woo hoo!!!.
I will try to update better this month.
Prayer requests.
Please pray our mail will start arriving at the new house. ( I have several cards and a package that hasn't made it here yet).
Pray for the the leaders of Madagascar.
Pray for Nicole and I as we adjust to the new house and situation.
Pray for the NGO (non government organization) renewal. (with the transitional government we are having a hard time getting it approved)
Pray for new people to desire to become involved with the partnership of my ministry and become new monthly partners with me and WorldVenture.
Pray for Rich and Bonnie (for Bonnie's cancer and for healing for Rich's broken collar bone)