Sunday, July 19, 2009

The peace only God can give

Hi everyone. I want to introduce you to my newest member of my family. His name is Bandit. He came to live with me after my home was robbed in the middle of the night. God is so good he gave me a friend and a protector ( well maybe when he gets a little older he will be the protector). As many of you already know I had a burglary 2 weeks ago. The robber only took things and did not harm me in any way. Matter of fact I slept through the entire event. I don't think the robber entered any other parts of the house but the living room because nothing else appeared disturbed. My landlord has raised the wall about 5 bricks higher and did other things to make my house more secure. I have a bar and slide lock along with a new door lock for my front door and another slide lock for the kitchen door. I only had one night of restlessness. I felt God telling me He was my peace and I could rest in Him. The second night I slept well. Bandit came to live here a week after the incident. Now he wakes me up in the night because he needs to go outside but last night he slept until 5:30 and only woke up when I got up myself. There have been other robberies in my neighborhood so the president of the neighborhood association gave each of us his phone number and said to call as soon as we found something amiss and he would sound the neighborhood alarm. We, the neighborhood, will talk again if more security is needed. On that good side we are getting a proper brick road in front of my house. This will be so welcome during the rainy season. Our cost for the project is to provide water to the workers. I think that is do able.

Many of you know my friend Nicole. She had her commissioning last Saturday. She is now ready to enter the "Madagascar" mission field. She leaves the states on the 29Th and will arrive on the 31st. She has been a blessing to me in that she has agreed to bring a new laptop computer and camera and my drivers license and credit card with her.

My sister and her family have experienced a tough year beginning last June when her nephew was in an accident and has been in a coma since then. He just recently passed on. They also felt the loss of both of her husband's parents. I pray God will give them peace and rest during the storm.

Last but not least the situation here in Madagascar is still a political crisis. Just this last weekend there were 3 more deaths. One from a bomb that went bad, the other 2 guards of the transitional president. The American government however felt the situation for Americans was not a danger at this time. On July 7 they lifted the travel alert and restriction for Americans traveling to Madagascar. I will continue to attend the monthly meetings hosted by the embassy. Many Malagasy people are effected by this political crisis and really have nothing to do with the fighting. Many have lost jobs and support for their family. Banks are reporting people are coming to them for loans so they can buy food for their family. This is very sad you realize their average income is less than $100 a month. Most live without the convenience we Americans take for granted. Running water in their homes, electricity and heating or cooling. Now to not even be able to put food on their tables is a tragedy.

1. Praise God protected me from the robbers
2. I now have a new friend Bandit
3. Nicole was commissioned and released to enter the "Madagascar" mission field
4. The prayers and support of my family and friends.

Prayer requests
1. Pray for safety and protection for my neighborhood and this country
2. Pray for Nicole and her travels later this month. Also for her one time support.
3. Pray for my sister and her family for the Peace that surpasses all understanding
4. Pray for Bonnie that the new chemo will work.
5. Pray my credit card will arrive at my sisters house in time for her to send it to Nicole before she leaves.

Thank you all for your continual prayers and support. Please let me know if there is anything I can pray for you. I know I am a long way away but there is no distance when it comes to prayers.

I love you all