Hi everyone, Well, here is the latest news from Madagascar. We had a volunteer arrive 3 weeks ago. Her name is Alison Fowler. She will be here until the end of January. She is a college student with a major in Missions. We have another volunteer that arrived this week. She was here previously for 2 years teaching at Fitiavana school in Mahajunga. She and Alison will go there after she recovers from the long trip.
I will be returning to the States for 2 months beginning November 13 until January 17th. As you know my mother has recently had a very hard time. She is in a nursing home at the present time and hopefully will return home within the next month or so. My Dad really misses her and wants her back home with him. I pray God will use me when I am home to help prepare for her return and help my Dad get things ready. Mom is now in a wheel chair so Dad is having a ramp put on the front of the house. I really feel God led me to believe this is the right time to be back there. Please keep us in your prayers. I will try to find tickets that I can afford back to Tucson for 10 days, this might mean arriving and leaving from Phx. If I do that I will probably rent a car for the short stay and just drive down. If anyone has a discount on rental cars please let me know.
Now on a lighter note. 6 ladies went to the rain forest this weekend. We had such a good time. We played with the lemurs, feed them, petted them, and even had them climb on our shoulders. It was a lot of fun. I will try to attach a picture.
I started a bible study on Thursday nights. The group is all Malagasy except me. We have had an average of 8 people in attendence. The group is presented in English with my Malagasy teacher in attendance if someone doesn't understand and needs it translated. One very intersting topic we discussed and I did some research on is 1John 5:17. This is the verse that says there is a sin that does not lead to death. If anyone has insite on this verse please send it to me. I looked on the internet and saw there are many theories on this topic. I will miss the group when I am back in the states, but will resume upon my return.
Well I must get ready for my Malagasy lesson now, so Veloma vetivety (good bye for now)